Fruit is available from the beginning of November until the end of February. They are only available pre-ordered, as we do not stock any Fruit Trees here at the nursery.
We do Bareroot, Pot grown, Patio Fruit and Soft Fruit. For a full list of Fruit Trees / Soft Fruit, you can email us at:
Hedging is also available from the beginning of November until the end of February. They are only available pre-order, as we do not stock any Hedging here at the nursery.
Hedging is available in different sizes and varieties. For a common list of Hedging, you can contact us at: Please keep in mind there will be more sizes available, but there are just too many to list. If you are looking for anything in particular please contact us to get a quote.
We have a large selection of perennials grown at the nursery, all available in coloured pots.
Fruit and Hedging is available from November until February. These do need to be pre-ordered.
Tel: 01379 384261
Monday - Friday: 8am to 6pm
Saturday - Sunday: 8am to 12pm